Sunday, March 27, 2011

nineteen weeks old!

We had a fun photo shoot with Hudson today. Although he was not keen on staying on his back for too long...

After a couple of rounds of shots, he had enough of staying relatively still and decided that he was ready to move and groove.

And then a toy looked interesting...

But after he found the toy, he thought he might pose for the camera. Or rather, try to figure out what this camera thingamajig is all about...

Bottom lips are fun to hide! I bet you can't figure out where I put mine!

giraffe legs are tasty

Saturday we went to M+B's new house to "help" organize their kitchen. B & Dave went for a bicycle ride after moving some shelves and pullouts around. Hudson enjoyed seeing M+B and hanging out. He didn't nap so well at their house, but he napped on the way home...after chewing on a bit of giraffe leg. They are tasty, you know!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

i like to skype

Hudson loves to Skype. He is definitely getting more reactive. We skype with Grandma & Grandpa & GiGi (greatgrandma), Oma & Opa, great Aunt Vicki & great Uncle Bob, Aunt Kate & cousins, Uncle Craig & cousins, Aunt Roo & cousins and Cousin Anna & her two tots, and our friend Taryn (pretty much everybody). Technology has definitely made it easier to stay in touch with relatives near and far (even as far away as Russia!).  Hudson has even rolled over while Skyping. Below are some shots that great Aunt Vicki & great Uncle Bob took while we were chatting. He is so expressive!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

eighteen weeks old!

Can't believe how big Hudson is getting! We are thinking about getting one of those jumpers that mount in the doorway. The pediatrician recommended an exersaucer - but those are just too big for our apartment.

first feeding

Hudson has entered the world of flatware, tableware and solids (if soupy oatmeal can be called a solid?)! This coming week we are going to try peas and then carrots. Hopefully the fiber will help! We did try probiotic, fortified, organic oatmeal, but it still seems to be more binding than breast milk. Hopefully he'll get back to being regular soon!

Friday, March 18, 2011

normal is good

So we had our 4 month visit yesterday and Hudson is doing really well. For weight and height he is in the 50th percentile - perfectly normal. We get to try solids this weekend and we are excited about it. Oat cereal here we come!

Hudson loved the paper at the dr's office. He also showed her how he likes to roll over!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

seventeen weeks!

Hudson rolled over from his back to his front on Saturday evening! It was *very* exciting. In fact in the middle of the photo shoot today, he flipped over! Of course, we didn't catch it on video...He loves to be read to and he loves looking at his books! We have our four month visit on Thursday and we hope to be starting solids soon! Hopefully this will help Hudson spit up less!

saturday brunch

 Saturday we went to have brunch with our friends Chelsea & Dan and their little one, Bryden. Bryden is exactly 5 weeks older than Hudson. We were due 5 weeks apart and were both 2 weeks late! The babies did pretty well all things considered. Hudson wanted to order off the menu too!

 Dave held Hudson through half of the meal so I could actually eat with both hands!

We took a long walk together and headed home. After Hudson's meal and a nap, we had fun playing at home. Hudson likes to stand on his own too feet...with some help, of course (yes, those are motorcycles on Hudson's playsuit. no, Dave did not buy this was a hand me down...needless to say, Dave is happy to dress his son in motorcycles)!!

Such a happy baby! We had a full day as later in the evening, we stopped by our friends M+B and their 12 foot wide house to see the progress! They are almost finished painting the rental unit (and got renters...yeah!!) and upstairs is coming together! Hudson liked seeing their kitty cats, Meyer & Eli and loved being held by someone other than mom & dad.

double vision

Hudson loves looking at himself in the mirror - it's a favorite past time! I'm not sure that he realizes that he is looking at himself, but he does seem to recognize us...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

sixteen weeks!

Our little boy is growing up fast! He isn't really chunky particularly - except for his thunder thighs!

His eyes are getting bluer!

spring has sprung

Not fully, but we are beginning to get a glimpse! We took a long walk on Saturday after going to the farmer's market at Prospect Park in the morning.

Hudson was awake for the market part, but fell asleep during the walk. After his nap, we went home and played with some new toys from friends at work. Hudson wanted to get down in the midst of things.

We ended playtime with reading a book. I can tell that Violet reads to Hudson a LOT because he wanted to hold the book! He was also very into looking at the pictures and turning the pages.

tongue in cheek


Actually, it's more like sticking out your tongue. That's right, Hudson has discovered his tongue this week and thinks that it is *very* neat.