Monday, August 1, 2011

beach bum...and weekly photo take one

So Saturday our friends M+B offered to take us to the beach for the day and we jumped on that train like the eager hobos that we are. Hudson did not go down for his morning nap like he was supposed to (I guess Daddy had talked up the beach too much and he was exited), consequently he was a little fussy. Nevertheless, he did pretty well. We stopped at Target on the way to Jones Beach and picked up some fun new toys. We rented a great umbrella (best idea ever - thanks M+B) and Hudson had a good time playing in the sand. Particularly grasping it his hands and throwing it (alternating with trying to eat it).

We went down to the water and he wasn't sure what to think of the waves. The water was really chilly so he wasn't too keen on that. His hand-me-down swim suit looks so big on him! His legs aren't that short, I promise! It's amazing to me how small he seems sometimes (in comparison to Dave's hands) and how much he has grown already. He looks so much like a little boy in the close up, no longer a baby...

And a family photo - I had to crop it as my one arm was outstretched trying to save my hat from flying away...

After the water, Hudson finally got sleepy and took a half hour nap...on me. Nothing is sweeter than a sleeping baby. Particularly a sleeping baby boy. So deceptively peaceful.

On the way home we got ice cream and found some glasses for Hudson, just like Daddy's! Gotta hand it to the kid - he knows how to power nap! Look how energized he is!

 We tried to take the weekly photo the next day, but weren't successful. Most of the photos were blurry or looked like this:

So then we tried to get Hudson to stand in front of the blanket. It just isn't big enough to contain Hudson's energy. I am in awe of Sherry & John @ YHL (the inspiration for this project can be seen here) who were able to keep it up for 52 weeks. Wait. They had a GIRL. Who didn't walk till 14 months.

But we did end up with one good close-up:

No worries. We are not giving up completely on the weekly photo. We just have to expand the backdrop. And the parameters...More to come soon!

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